Parting out two pinball machines

I had bought a Whitewater and Getaway to part out.. the games had too many problems and missing parts to be restored, so parting out was the only option.
Removed everything possible, and put the empty cabinets for sale ($10) or trade for firewood..
After a week weeks still no-one was really interested or made an offer.

The cabinets had been outside my home for about a month.
At the end of the DPO pinball party at our home, all people were gone except our friend Michel O. It was already getting late and started to get a bit cold in the house, so my wife said I should put on the fire..

But to make a fire you need wood.. *evil grin*
Went to the basement to get my saw.. and asked if Michel wanted to join.

We actually had quite a discussion wether we should cut the cabinets or not.. we're both pinball lovers and prefer to restore games, don't want to cut them to pieces. But as I did not have room to store two empty cabinets, did not have any use for them, had offered them for sale for a month and no-one else wanted them, well, there wasn't any other option left..

I won't give more comments on what happened, pictures speak for themselves.
Are we proud we parted a game ? No ! Was it fun ? Yes !
Michel took home the good side of the WW cabinet (now it hangs in the gameroom of another friend).

pinball partout

pinball partout

pinball partout

pinball partout

pinball partout

pinball partout

pinball partout

So what happened to the backboxes you ask ?
Well, I offered them for sale or trade as they were nice. Kept them for more than a month longer, but no-one was interested.
Finally one day I had to make a shelter for my chicken.. I had some old roofing, only needed something to support this.
So I just recycled the backboxes to make a shelter to feed the chicken..

pinball chicken

Our rabbits were jalous of the chicken.. so in the beginning they also got a nice pinball home, made out of a Stern Dracula.

pinball rabbits